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Plant Catalog
- Annuals
- Bulbs
- Ajuga
- Amsonia
- Anemone
- Anise Hyssop
- Aster
- Astilbe
- Balloon Flower
- Barrenwort
- Beardtongue
- Bee Balm
- Bellflower
- Bergenia
- Betony
- Bleeding Heart
- Bluebells
- Bugbane
- Candytuft
- Catmint
- Clematis
- Columbine
- Common Ivy
- Coneflower
- Coral bells
- Coreopsis
- Cornflower
- Daisy
- Daylily
- Delphinium
- Deschampsia
- Dianthus
- Eragrosits
- Eupatorium
- False Indigo
- False Sunflower
- Ferns
- Foamflower
- Foamy bells
- Gaillardia
- Geranium
- Geum
- Globeflower
- Goat's Beard
- Goldenrod
- Grasses
- Groundcovers
- Hardy Hibiscus
- Hellebore
- Hollyhock
- Honeysuckle Vine
- Hosta
- Hot Lips Turtlehead
- Hyssop
- Iris
- Lady's Mantle
- Lamium
- Lavender
- Liatris
- Ligularia
- Lilium
- Liriope
- Lobelia
- Lungwort
- Lupine
- Meadow Rue
- Milkweed
- Molinia
- Mullein
- Obedient Plant
- Ornamental Onion
- Ornamental Oregano
- Peony
- Phlox
- Poppy
- Red Hot Poker
- Russian Sage
- Sage
- Scabiosa
- Sedum
- Shooting Star
- Siberian Bugloss
- Silvermound
- Sneezeweed
- Solomon's Seal
- Speedwell
- Spiderwort
- Spurge
- Thistle
- Yarrow
- Broadleaf Evergreen Shrubs
Deciduous Shrubs
- Azalea
- Barberry
- Bayberry
- Beautybush
- Buckeye
- Buckthorn
- Burning Bush
- Butterfly Bush
- Button Bush
- Chokeberry
- Chokecherry
- Coralberry
- Cotoneaster
- Cranberry Bush
- Currant
- Deutzia
- Dogwood
- Elderberry
- Forsythia
- Fothergilla
- Hazelnut
- Hibiscus
- Honeysuckle
- Hydrangea
- Japanese Kerria
- Lilac
- Magnolia
- Mock Orange
- Ninebark
- Potentilla
- Privet
- Roses
- Sandcherry
- Serviceberry
- Smokebush
- Spirea
- St. John's Wort
- Stephanandra
- Sumac
- Summersweet
- Sweetshrub
- Sweetspire
- Viburnum
- Weigela
- Willow
- Witch Hazel
- Fruit Trees
- Fruit, Herbs, and Vegetables
- Fruit, Herb, and Vegetable Seeds
- Houseplants
- Seed
Shade & Flowering Trees
- Alder
- Aspen
- Beech
- Birch
- Blackgum
- Buckeye
- Catalpa
- Coffeetree
- Crabapple
- Cypress
- Dawn Redwood
- Elm
- Fringetree
- Ginkgo
- Hackberry
- Hawthorn
- Hickory
- Honey Locust
- Hophornbeam
- Hornbeam
- Horsechestnut
- Katsura
- Lilac Tree
- Linden
- Locust
- London Planetree
- Magnolia
- Maple
- Mulberry
- Oak
- Pear
- Planetree
- Redbud
- Serviceberry
- Seven Son
- Silverbell
- Sweet Gum
- Tulip Tree
- Whitebud
- Willow
- Yellowwood
- Spreading Evergreen Shrubs
- Upright Evergreens
- Seasonal
- Garden Care
- Hardgoods
- Home & Gift
- Features
Product Attributes
Braun Square Olive Planter
Cast Iron Flower Hook
Cedar Wall Art medium
Embossed Tealight Holder
Engraved Cairn "Always Kiss Me"
Galvanized Metal Bee Pitcher
Ganz "Natural Beauty" Wood Decor
Granite Boulder Owl
Hanging 2-Toned Butterflies
Jack-O-Lantern Votive Holders
Large Cement Pumpkin
Large Terra Cotta Golden Fields Pumpkin
Leaf Block Decor
Live Life Simply Plaque
Metal Accent Birdhouse
Metal Framed Garden Sign
Mini Rock Cairn 3.5"
Mini Side 2 Side Rock Cairn
Braun Square Olive Planter |
Cast Iron Flower Hook |
Cedar Wall Art medium |
Embossed Tealight Holder |
Engraved Cairn "Always Kiss Me" |
Galvanized Metal Bee Pitcher |
Ganz "Natural Beauty" Wood Decor |
Granite Boulder Owl |
Hanging 2-Toned Butterflies |
Jack-O-Lantern Votive Holders |
Large Cement Pumpkin |
Large Terra Cotta Golden Fields Pumpkin |
Leaf Block Decor |
Live Life Simply Plaque |
Metal Accent Birdhouse |
Metal Framed Garden Sign |
Mini Rock Cairn 3.5" |
Mini Side 2 Side Rock Cairn |